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Taunton Daily Gazette: Marijuana retail shops in Taunton would span the city

TAUNTON – When it comes to host community agreements for retail-marijuana shops, the current picture in Taunton is literally all over the map.

Nine entities so far have been granted the first-step agreements by the City Council to open retail pot shops — with locations ranging from East Taunton’s Liberty and Union Industrial Park to the westerly 400 block of Winthrop Street and points in between.

Only one of them, Commonwealth Alternative Care, has so far been granted a special permit to grow and sell recreational marijuana.

Commonwealth Alternative Care already has a foothold in the city.

That group for nearly a year has been growing and selling medical marijuana and cannabis products on industrial-zoned Mozzone Boulevard off of Route 140/County Street.

And since opening, Commonwealth Alternative Care has expanded its medical pot cultivation, or growing, capacity.

It also this year got City Council approval to grow recreational marijuana inside a separate, adjacent building….

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