Commonwealth Alternative Care

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Meet Henry, CAC's Flower Cultivator

Name: Henry

Hometown: Mansfield, MA

Years in Cannabis: 432 days, 4 hours, 3 min, 29 seconds

Nickname: Harry or Hentar

Interesting fact: A single strand of Spaghetti is called a “Spaghetto”

Official Job Title: Flower Cultivator 

What is your cannabis origin story?

After I enjoyed cannabis recreationally, I decided to try Cultivating

What did you do before this and how did it prepare you for your role today?

I was an Assistant Manager at a Movie Theatre. It prepared me by working as a team and

completing tasks in a timely manner

What is your strain of choice?


What is the most interesting thing you’ve learned about cannabis recently?

Edibles are processed through the liver.

What do you like most about your role in cultivation? Working for CAC?

I love my coworkers! 

What do you do for fun?

I go to concerts. 

Do you have any hobbies or collections?

I do! I collect pins, and also vinyl records. I also enjoy hiking. 

What’s your favorite CAC product right now? 


Favorite delivery method? e.g.  smoke, dab, vape, eat, topical

Smoking, edibles, and topicals. 

In your opinion, what is the most exciting development in cannabis research in the past


The positive research being done with Cannabis in relation to helping fight Pancreatic Cancer

Where do you go to learn more about cannabis?

Usually Jorge Cervantes reading material. 

What is the coolest new cannabis-related gadget you’ve seen recently?

The Puffco Peak. It’s a fun new way to enjoy concentrates.