Why Vote?
Why vote?
Today is the LAST day to Register to vote in MA! October 24, 2020
Election Day: November 3, 2020 - 7 a.m. until 8 p.m.
Voting is fundamental to a democracy and even though popular vote doesn’t determine the outcome of our presidential election in the United States of America, that doesn’t mean your vote doesn’t count. Here are some of the reasons you should vote:
It doesn’t take long.
Registering to vote takes less than 5 minutes and then going to vote in person (if there is no line) also takes no time at all. If you are worried about a line or cannot make it to the polls then fill out an absentee ballot/mail in ballot. You can do this in the comfort of your own home and the best part is that it gets sent right to your door. And right now with Covid-19 still affecting so many US citizens, it is a very valid reason to utilize this method of voting.
It’s free.
Unlike so many essential things we need on the daily, such as food and water, voting is free. There is no tax, fee or cost of any kind. So many things essential for life cost money, yet we do not have a poll tax anymore. On January 23, 1964, the 24th Amendment to the Constitution was ratified, which prohibited any poll tax in federal elections.
You are part of the decision.
This means that along with your fellow citizens you have the ability to say who you want to see running this country and who you want in control of your rights.Voting is an important step to our democracy, and to further the American Dream for all citizens. It is essential that we elect leaders who are committed to furthering our country, for one and all. Your right to vote is one of the most important rights we have. Practicing this right keeps it alive and well, not only for you but for future generations.
Not every human has the right to vote in their respective countries.
Voter suppression and the loss of civil rights, such as the right to vote, are still very real in many countries. Regardless of gender, race, color, religious beliefs or country of origin, you can now vote as a citizen of the United States of America as long as you are over the age of 18. Which again, brings up the point that future generations are looking to us to make these decisions. And people who reside in all the US territories and the District of Columbia itself do not have the right to vote, even though they are citizens. So many people before us fought to get us to where we are today, so let's work together to keep this progress moving forward.
Do your research, make informed decisions and practice your right to vote. And continue to vote in any local, state and federal elections because they also determine the outcome of future presidential elections. And unlike the Presidential Election, all local and state elections are chosen by popular vote, so choose your state representatives, senators, and congress-people wisely.
At CAC, we strongly encourage you to share your voice by registering and then voting with us for the November 3rd 2020 Presidential Election. To do so you can check out Rock the Vote’s website because they make the whole process so simple. And for more info on the elections, below are links to help inform you about our rights, our history, the election process, current Primary Electoral Candidates as well as how to register to vote. So join us, because your voice matters.
“No man is good enough to govern another man without the other's consent.” - Abraham Lincoln
Thank you!
Links to help you stay informed!
Rock the Vote:
MA Information for Voters Pamphlet:
2020 Presidential Debate:
2020 Vice-Presidential Debate:
Timeline of Voting History in the US:
Our Constitution: